Under African Skies 2,000.00

Pondering daily about a stock-still Africa, chronically enchanted with false hopes of redemption from overseas, I began penning this collection out of a desire to unclothe Africa, to strip her of all her remnant stains and reveal her nascent rot, albeit with a cautious optimism in the continent’s capacity to reinvent.

‘Under African Skies’, is a string of livid but scenic poetic tell-tales, in which you would find agony, wrongdoing, denial, preachment and humour, subtly woven to vilify Africa’s open-eyed descent into wanderlust streams. At other times, it takes you into the depth of sullied mindset of Africans grappling with insurrection, religion and a thousand vices. Outlandishly appearing like a calculated take on the West, the prologue reminds us that:
‘’ It’s not about the North, South, East or West
But about Africa,
It’s not about the Sun, Moon, Rain or Harmattan
But about Us
It’s still not about Elders, Chiefs, Clergy’s, Leaders, Fathers or Mothers
But about You’’

Laden with ample doses of everyday African experience uttered in picturesque verses, the poetry collection chiefly embraces the use of allegories and mild sarcasm to expound its literary motives in a bouquet of open-verses.